Challenge Book #9 - Pot Roasted Quinces
So here we are at the end of the quince road. I have just one more quince recipe to share. Hang tough people! These are pot roasted quinces - quite spectacular - no? They are more pot poached quinces than anything else, but hey, let's not get picky here.
The idea is to poach small quinces whole and then leave them to set in their own jelly. How cool is that?!
My jelly was very soft. I put this down to not boiling the quinces for long enough at the very beginning of the recipe. Never mind, they were still delicious. And spectacular, did I mention that?
They were really incredibly easy to make. It's hard to see how they could go wrong. Except for, you know, the jelly not setting properly.
Here we are at Challenge Book #9 - Maggie's Harvest.

This is the first recipe I have made from this book. In typical Maggie Beer fashion it's packed with no nonsense home style recipes all of which sound absolutely delicious. I often just sit and read through it - drooling.
Pot Roasted Quinces
(adapted from Maggie's Harvest)
6 small-medium sized quinces
4 cups sugar
1.5 litres water
juice of 3 lemons
Rub down and wash the quinces well. Pack them tightly into a heavy based saucepan. Add the sugar and water.
Boil at a reasonably high temperature until a jelly starts to form, then reduce heat and simmer for up to 5 hours. If necessary, weigh the quinces down under a small plate in order to keep the quinces under the syrup. Turn the quinces often, 4-5 times, to ensue that they are cooked evenly.
Add the lemon juice at the very last stage.
Serve whole or sliced with cream or custard.
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this looks so awesome, I am sure it must be delicious!
set jelly or not, they do look sensational. i'll bet they just explode with flavor. mmm...all hail the quince. :)
They look beautiful, such a lovely colour!
Maggies book is wonderful. I use it all the time. I wouldn't worry about your jelly not setting. It looks great and I am sure it tastes fantastic. Well done.
How I wish it was quince season here - you're making me quite envious!
These recipes make us all want to go out and find some quince(s).
What a gorgeous dish!!
KJ, you've gotten me more and more curious about quince! The recipes you've posted look amazing.
Oh my, my, my, I am drooling here :)
These photos are superb! I am so envious - quinces will not be around for ages in the UK but now I have a host of new recipes to try when they do come into season.
Thank you so much.
Thanks everyone. I am glad you liked my quinces.
They look beautiful - I love the deep pink colour that quinces become. I've made a similar recipe of Nigella's which, come to think of it, she borrowed from Maggie Beer - could be the same one. I've been coveting that book for ages, it looks so gorgeous - am just waiting for it to fall in price a bit...
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