Iced Lychee and Mint Drink
Oh hai!! My name is Smeagol. I lives with my hoomin across the road from KJ. I wants to be a LOL cat, but is very hard. Too much competitions. So KJ says if I want, I can go on her blog to be on the interwebs. So here I is.
First I says something about meh. Den KJ asks me to introduce recipe for hoomin food.
Name: Smeagol as I says.
Age: Dunno akshually. I's not a kitten and I's not a senior cat. I's somewhere in betweens.
Favourite things: Jumping up onto da roof. Is very high. I hangs my paws over the gutter and watch KJ jumpin and yellin. She so funny. I just laff and laff.
Snoozin' on da neighbours BMW. Is most comfy car in da street. He's always yellin. I dunno why.
Poles. I likes gliding against poles. Is my thing. This one my favourite. Is nice.
Things I no like: Hoomins pattin meh on da head. On left cheek and behind right ear is OK. Else, hands off the kitteh.
Dat big black kitteh that lives down da road. I hate him.
Now for the recipe. Is a drink akshually - Iced Lychee and Mint. I no know what dat is. But is pretty colour - no!!!.
Iced Lychee and Mint Drink
(adapted from marie claire Kitchen)
Place 5 lychees and 125ml of syrup (from a tin of lychees in syrup) in a blender. Add 15 large mint leaves, 1 tbspn lime juice and 10 ice cubes.
Blend until smooth. Pour in chilled glasses.
Makes 2 small or 1 large drink.
You are such a craic!! I am having a cruddy day with difficult kids and that really cheered me up! So thanks and I'll be making one of those drinks soon but adding a hefty whack o'vodka!!
Kate (hpoe you've entered the comp with Kitchen Aid as prize)
Now tell me why I've been so busy that I haven't stopped by for ages and laughed my socks off!
I love this post, you're so spot on. Cats, it's all on their terms! x
Very interesting drink and what a beautiful cat. :)
Fascinating combo of mint and lychee, I'll have to try it out someday! And its great to see your sense of humor is still raring to go! A very funny post, especially since we just got a kitten...its all true! (pic of the kitty is on my blog)
Just read this again with da eldest kid! He's still laughing...
Hysterical! I am a dog person myself, but I love both.
your cat is cute! my cat aspires to LOLcat greatness as well but my latest attempt failed to amuse the icanhascheezburger bunch - they're a tough crowd!
Hello. And Bye.
thanks for putting this on your blog - I was looking for the recipe - it's delicious!
thanks for this - i was looking for the recipe - YUM!
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