Rumballs and a Christmas Crisis
My oven has been a faithful old soul. With nary a murmur of complaint it has journeyed with me through countless cakes, tarts, pies, biscuits, casseroles and roast dinners. We've had the odd falling out over burnt biscuits and rare roast chickens, but overall it's been a happy partnership. Until last night that is, when my devoted culinary retainer turned it's toes up and died.
I had just launched a major baking sesssion when this catastrophe came to light. There I stood with a tray full of carefully tended shortbread dough in one hand and a handful of hair in the other. No amount of twiddling with knobs, jiggling of elements or good old swearing could coax a celsius of heat from the thing.
And this was two days before Christmas. TWO DAYS!!!!
First thing this morning I started some serious finger walking through the yellow pages. And low and behold an electrician, otherwise known as the nicest man on earth, appeared on my doorstep late this afternoon. Fingers, toes and everything else crossed he will be back tomorrow with a new element. The family may yet be spared cold ham and raw stuffing.
If the worst comes to the worst I plan to buy them off with these rumballs.
They are kinda messy to make, as the mixture has tendency to stick to fingers. But that is part of their fun. I always add a dash more rum as well. Just to give them that extra something something.
I can't wait for Christmas Day just to tuck into these!!!
Merry Christmas everyone
8 wheet bix1 cup sultanas, chopped
1 can condensed milk
2 tbspn cocoa
1 tbspn rum
dessicated coconutCrumble the wheet bix with your fingers or a rolling pin. Mix in the remaining ingredients except the coconut.
Roll heaped teaspoons of the mixture into balls. Roll in the coconut. Store in the refrigerator.
I have just found this site by accident. I can't stop reading your recipes. I have already book marked Hazelnut chocolate balls and love the rum balls. (I remember eating these growing up). I am absolutely gob smacked. I will enjoy reading more.
Kindest regards
talk about bad timing! i'm glad you found an electrician to come through for you, and i'm glad you had some awesome rumballs to use as bribery. :)
happy holidays!
Hope you have a warm and toasty Christmas!
hope your oven is back in business, but rumballs for dinner wouldn't be a bad thing! merry christmas!!!
...and? did he return? Am I now thrown into a panic thinking that you had no oven in which to cook Christmas?
Hope you had a superb day and that your New Year is a great one.
So sorry to hear about your oven. Those rumballs look just great and Happy Christmas to you too!!
Can't imagine this happening so close to Christmas....hope he made it back with the stove element. Rum balls are always welcome. Hope you had a happy Christmas!
I hope you had a great holiday and that your oven is back to working. The rum balls look great.
Thanks everyone. I hope you all had a great Christmas and next year brings you all you wish for. The oven was fixed and in action by Christmas eve. So we had a great Christmas lunch and Christmas day.
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